Convert Fabrications to Castings
Top 10 Tips for switching fabrications and assemblies to castings

There are many reasons why a manufacturer may consider switching fabrications, weldments and assemblies for castings. Often, fabrication was chosen as the initial manufacturing approach because the design engineer’s focus was on time to market. In many instances, revisiting the chosen manufacturing approach at a later date, when performance improvements, cost reductions, weight savings or aesthetic improvements are required, can deliver significant benefits.
At NovaCast we have worked with equipment manufacturers in the agricultural machinery and transportation sectors to deliver cost and performance improvements while simplifying the manufacturing process by eliminating several steps in the process.
Download our Top 10 Tips to help you identify likely components and assemblies for conversion to castings. Feel free to contact us for advice or guidance.
To discuss your requirements, call a member of NovaCast’s team on +44 (0) 1225 707466, send us a message here or email